Earn 10% on referrals

Refer prospects to Partner Fleet and you can earn 10% of the first year subscription when a deal closes. 

Schedule a call

Tell people what to expect when they fill out this form.

How to refer 

Our three-step process to send referrals to Partner Fleet

The first customer benefit

1. Sign up for the program

Apply for our referral program. We'll review your application within 3 business days.

The second customer benefit

2. Refer contacts who need a marketplace 

Introduce friends & contacts directly via email or submit them as leads in PartnerStack.

The third customer benefit

3. Earn 10% when the deal closes

For each deal you referred to us, you'll get 10% of the first year subscription. ($100s or $1000s) 

About the Partner Fleet Referral Program

Partner Fleet is dedicated to providing innovative and reliable marketplace software solutions that drive success for businesses looking to implement an ecosystem business model. We've helped partner teams, marketers, product managers, customer success teams, and leadership teams drive value at scale from their integrations and partnerships.

Now we're inviting you to be a part of this story with our new referral program.

If you’re already referring people to Partner Fleet, this is an opportunity to share in the revenue generated by the deals that come out of them. If not, it's time to start referring!

This is not just an opportunity to earn. It’s a chance to provide value to your network by connecting them with our proven and effective ecosystem marketplace tool. 

As a part of this program, we’ll give you sales resources and keep you up to date on all new feature releases.

How it works:

Sign up: Apply for the program to let us know you’re game!

Refer: Recommend our services to businesses that could benefit from Partner Fleet. It could be anyone in your network – customers, clients, partners, followers, or even friends. If you tell your audience about Partner Fleet, remind them to mention your name when they sign up for a demo or free trial.

We will help you identify good companies to refer, too. We can screen your audience, connections, and current partners for ideal opportunities. Then, just give us a warm intro via email and we’ll do the rest.

You can also submit referrals directly via the lead submission form in your PartnerStack account.

Earn: For each successful referral – i.e., a business that becomes our customer based on your referral – you will receive 10% of their platform subscription fee for the first year.

Repeat: There's no limit to the number of businesses you can refer, meaning your earning potential is limitless.

Naturally, we believe in the power of partnerships and the immense value they can bring. We're thrilled about the prospect of working with you and eager to see the growth that our combined efforts can deliver.


Who qualifies for the program?

Anyone who believes in the power of the ecosystem business model and how Partner Fleet can help.

Anyone who interacts with partnerships professionals, product teams, CMOs, CROs, and/or marketing teams regularly.

If you’ve used Partner Fleet in any way, that’s even better.

At this date, we aren’t offering affiliate links, so this program is not ideal for affiliate content.

Who is Partner Fleet good for?

Businesses might be a good fit if any of the following pertains to them:

  • Are looking to create or update their partner marketplace or directory
  • Have a partnership program of any size
  • Plan to build a partnership program
  • Have 5+ integrations
  • Have 5+ solutions providers
  • Want to offer more to their partners
  • Are finding it hard to promote their partnerships or manage partner listings
  • Don't have a way to send leads to partners from their website

Partner Fleet is a good fit for startups, mid-market, and enterprise companies.

Not sure who’s a good fit in your network? Reach out and we’ll help you identify good candidates for a warm introduction.

Who do we incentivize – you or your company?

The Partner Fleet referral program incentivizes the individual, not the business.

By default, agreements will be with the individual.

If there is a conflict with your employment, please reach out. We’re happy to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis, as long as the employee receives at least partial compensation for referrals made.

What does Platform Subscription Revenue include?

We always charge a platform fee on an annual or multi-year basis, but customers may also have a cost based on the number of partners in their marketplace, which is dynamic and nature and thus not eligible for revenue sharing. We also have service fees which are one-time fees and therefore not eligible for revenue sharing.

Why refer to Partner Fleet?

  1. You want to help people find an excellent marketplace solution for their needs.
  2. You earn a 10% commission on the first year platform subscription contract when your referrals turn into a customer (in most cases you’ll earn >$1000).

How can I send referrals?

You can refer people to Partner Fleet by giving us a warm introduction via email or LinkedIn or submitting through the lead submission form in PartnerStack. Please note that warm introductions via email or LinkedIn are more successful, since they come with your personal endorsement.

If you mention Partner Fleet to your audience, make sure they tell us how they heard about you.

How do we pay your commission?

We will pay your commission through PartnerStack, which offers payments via PayPal or Stripe. 

How will we track your referrals?

We’ll track your referrals through PartnerStack.

Are there exceptions when a referral made won’t be eligible for a reward?

If a company has an active deal with us at the time the referral is made, they will not be eligible for reward should the deal close. We’ll let you know when you make the referral whether this is the case.

Referrals are eligible for rewards for 6 months from the referral date.

A note on taxes

If your payout exceeds $600 in any given year, we’ll need to collect a W-9 form from you so we can issue you a 1099 in December.